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The videos were produced in 2022 and reflect the views and affiliations of the participants/interviewees at that time.

Daniel Gros
Director, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) 2000–2020

“I think it is recognised throughout Europe that wiw has very special expertise in the field of Eastern and especially Southeastern Europe.”

Portrait of Robert Holzmann
Governor Austrian National Bank

“wiiw has had and continues to have great importance for research on Central, Eastern and Southeastern European countries.”

Robert Stehrer
Scientific Director wiiw

“The institute has contributed a great deal and also provided important discussion points and valuable information at the European level on these countries’ competitiveness and the impact of their integration into the European economy.”

Adam Posen
President, Peterson Institute for International Economics

“I think wiiw shares with the Peterson Institute and other leading think tanks the ability to find the sweet spot of expertise in the real world.”

Dionys Lehner
Former CEO, Linz Textil AG, wiiw donor

“The most exciting question will be how Europe deals with Russia. Now everything is drifting apart. But in the long term, Russia’s geopolitical opportunity is so great that the issue must be open.”

Velina Tchakarova
Director, Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy (AIES) 2018–2023

“With Russia, too, there have been repeated attempts over the last three decades to put economic relations at the forefront. But the approach of change through trade has failed.”

Richard Grieveson
Deputy Director wiiw

“The concept of change through trade is certainly outdated. The world in the recent months has changed, Europe has completely changed and will not go back to what it was before.”

Claus Raidl
President, Austrian National Bank 2008–2018

“Every institute needs money that is only used for work that the researchers want to do out of curiosity. And we need that here.”

Philipp Heimberger
Economist wiiw

“I don’t feel constrained by the need to acquire projects, that’s just our business model. We also try to get long-term projects where we can deal with the future-oriented topics that we find important.”

Zuzana Zavarska
Economist wiiw

“You get to choose of course to write your proposals on topics which you are interested in. So it does not mean that just because it is project-based work that it is not something that is not falling in your core interest.”

Mario Holzner
Executive Director wiiw

“As in the past, it is important to ensure the broadest possible basis for funding in the future. The subsidy providers are crucial for our success on the research market. We have a broad spectrum of clients including European institutions, German foundations, international organisations, but also private clients.”

Portrait of Romana Vlahutin
Ambassador, European External Action Service 2019–2022

“It’s a time of great reckoning, that is clear, and I think the main order of the day is now resilience. So, for the European Union and European policy makers, a lot of work on resilience and rectification is in front of us.”

Guntram Wolff
Director, Bruegel

“The policy system has certainly over the last decades neglected the European neighbourhood. By neglecting the neighbourhood or not paying enough attention, we lose our main constituency.”

Portrait of Hannes Swoboda
Member of the European Parliament 1996–2014, President wiiw

“I hope that the institute will continue to renew itself as it has done so far, because we cannot stand still. There are always new challenges, also from ecology, sustainability, climate change.”

    A leading economic research institute

    Over the years, wiiw has expanded its expertise and broadened its regional focus to encompass European integration, the countries in the EU neighbourhood and the global economy, including trade and macroeconomic policy.

    Today, wiiw is an internationally recognised applied-research institute focusing on the economic aspects of European integration, EU policies and EU enlargement, with a special interest in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (CESEE). Furthermore, it conducts research in a wide range of areas from macroeconomics, international economics, labour markets, migration and income distribution, to regional economic development and industrial development in Europe and beyond.

    The ‘Global Go To Think Tank Index Report’ of the University of Pennsylvania regularly ranked it among the top three international economic policy think tanks in the world. The institute’s economists also frequently achieve top rankings in the FocusEconomics and Consensus Economics awards, which measure the quality of economic forecasts for the CESEE economies monitored by the institute.

    wiiw enjoys an excellent reputation, providing analysis to many of the most prestigious institutions and organisations – among them the EU Commission and the World Bank. The institute also collaborates with many research institutions in Europe and beyond. Its top position as one of Central Europe’s leading international economic research institutions is also underscored by an outstanding presence in the international quality media.

    With the illegal full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the institute enhanced its reputation both in academia and with the general public. The economic impact of the war on Ukraine, Russia and Europe in general has characterised its work ever since. wiiw has been able to establish itself as one of the leading institutes on the economic consequences of the war in Europe.

    Mario Holzner
    Robert Stehrer
    wiiw Conference
    Speaker at a wiiw conference
    Birgit Buschbom

    Economic Policy Think Tank Ranking

    University of Pennsylvania

    (2011/2010 – 2021/2020)

    Chart Economic Policy Think Tank Ranking
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