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The videos were produced in 2022 and reflect the views and affiliations of the participants/interviewees at that time.

Zuzana Zavarska
Economist wiiw

“The beautiful thing about working in an environment where there’s various generations represented is that you get a lot of inspiration from day-to-day conversations.”

Robert Stehrer
Scientific Director wiiw

“We have hired a lot of young researchers with a lot of new ideas and insights, also in terms of methods and data.”

Mario Holzner
Executive Director wiiw

“The younger people open our eyes to new methods and add data to our website in real time, which enables us to carry out short-term analysis.”

David Zenz
Statistician wiiw

“I try to prepare data from different sources so that it can be easily used for research. The big problem today is that there is a huge amount of data from different sources.”

Artem Kochnev
Economist wiiw

“Working with observational data is a very rich source of information which we have to exploit to get a better understanding of how humans interact with each other.”

Maryna Tverdostup
Economist wiiw

“It’s always tempting to let the data speak and to see what data tells us then. But from the perspective of the good classical research approach, it’s always necessary to start from the question.”

Mario Holzner
Executive Director wiiw

“I would like the institute to continue to participate more in the pan-European discussion on economic policy and to contribute its special focus on the periphery of Europe. Discussions in Brussels often still focus on the old EU15.”

Lazlo Andor
EU Commissioner for Social Affairs 2010–2014

“wiiw is indeed the leading institute in researching, understanding and explaining the EU enlargement.”

Richard Grieveson
Deputy Director wiiw

“New themes that have historically not been at the focus of the institute become unavoidable and we have to adapt to those. That is the green transition, gender, digitalisation and automation.”

Nina Vujanovic
Economist wiiw

“Health economics is becoming important because the pandemic has shown that health crisis can result in economic crisis.”

Markus Marterbauer
Chief Economist, Austrian Chamber of Labour (AK)

“There are questions about how convergence or regional developments can interact in a united Europe. There are so many relevant economic topics where wiiw can help a lot.”

Peter Hanke
Executive City Councillor of Finance, Vienna

“Fifty years of experience have created an unbelievable treasure to learn from the past and, in these difficult times, to arrive at forecasts that are based on knowledge. For Vienna, this view of Eastern Europe and Southeast Europe continues to be of great importance.”

Harald Waiglein
Director General Economic Policy, Ministry of Finance, Austria

“We have the largest World Bank office outside the US in Vienna, which is mainly responsible for the Western Balkans. This requires a lot of expertise and input from institutes like wiiw, and we are happy to have it here.”

Portrait of Beata Javorcik
Chief Economist, EBRD

“Independent institutes like the Vienna Institute can speak truth to power, they can provide important credible messaging to the European Union authorities and the member governments about how EU enlargement affects candidate countries.”

Philipp Heimberger
Economist wiiw

“My vision is that we should conduct opportunity-oriented research on major societal challenges such as climate change and digitalisation, and then identify opportunities to shape economic policy accordingly.”

Birgit Niessner
Director, Economic Analysis and Research, OeNB

“I hope the institute will continue to do what it is good at, namely providing in-depth country expertise on the neighbouring Eastern European countries. But I also hope they can build bridges to new topics like the green transition and climate change.”

    The future

    Looking ahead, wiiw is dedicated to maintaining its role as a leading force in shaping economic research and policy formulation, particularly for the countries of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe.

    In the coming years, wiiw intends to broaden its analytical scope by exploring emerging economic trends and challenges, offering insightful perspectives on the issues that shape the global economic landscape. Through its ongoing research initiatives, the institute strives to maintain its status as one of the foremost economic research institutes, enhancing understanding and providing insights for policy makers, stakeholders and the public alike.

    Moreover, wiiw is committed to strengthening its cooperation with regional and international partners, and fostering a network that promotes the exchange of knowledge and expertise. By cultivating strategic partnerships and collaboration, wiiw aims to expand its influence and reinforce its position as a premier centre for comprehensive economic analysis and research.

    In an ever-evolving global environment, wiiw remains steadfast in its commitment to adaptability and innovation, continually refining its methodologies to address the dynamic economic challenges of tomorrow. Through this dedication to evolution, wiiw seeks to remain at the forefront of economic research, driving meaningful change and contributing to informed decision making at both the regional and the global level.

    As has been the case since the institute’s foundation, issues related to European integration and structural change will continue to be key focus areas in its socioeconomic analysis.

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